Barriers & Bollards

Automated barrier in Kilbrittain

Automated barriers or bollards are typically used on residential and commercial entrances to restrict unwanted traffic through the premises and to keep track of who enters. In the case of a residential area, it will give each person living there peace of mind that there premises is protected and in the case of a company, it means the can both keep track of employees entering and leaving and a peace of mind also that no one is coming through without proper permissions. These are fast acting systems, moving from open to closed positions in 3-8 seconds, so suitable for busy entrances rather then automated gates which will move too slow in comparison. Barriers and bollards are used both stand alone, and in conjunction with security gates which are closed out of normal business hours to provide intruder security.

Barrier control options

Barriers are supplied with integral multi function control panels , allowing connection to the full range of control and safety. Barriers are supplied with:

  • Card reader

  • Intercom System

  • Digital entry pad

  • Radio control

  • Loop system

Bollards Traffic control that disappears flush with ground level. Aesthetically pleasing and impassable to traffic. Rising bollards provide a neat solution to preventing the passage of vehicles without the requirement for gates and have a minimal impact on the environment for town centres and historic areas.

In conjunction with this, you could also add other aspects of security technology to help keep your premises safe. You can add CCTV around the entrance/entrances to keep an eye on surrounding areas. You can get a specific camera to track the minute details of people or vehicles.

Electronic Bollard

